The Females in Tech Show with Tamara Johanna

Creating an Integrated Employee Experience with Helen Lea - 037

Tamara Johanna Season 1 Episode 37

Helen Lea knows what it takes to create an integrated employee experience. A veteran of managing people, she now works to bring diverse teams together in the name of employee experience.

It was such a wonderful experience chatting with Helen. I was absolutely floored by not only her incredible depth of knowledge, but her willingness to share it. I have no doubt you will get a lot out of our chat. I know I did!

In this episode we cover:

  • Helen’s career path from HR Development Manager in South Africa, to her current role as Chief Employee Experience Officer at MYOB, including what an Experience Officers does.
  • Helen shares the process of her husband becoming the primary caregiver, and advice for women who want to have a career and be a mother.
  • Helen talks about next generation employment experience and the  initiatives that MYOB has implemented to improve the employee experience.
  • The role diversity and inclusion plays in employee experience.
  • MYOB’s developHER program
  • And so much more

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