The Females in Tech Show with Tamara Johanna

Transition from University to the Workplace with Ally Haire - 026

Tamara Johanna Season 1 Episode 26

After finishing high school Ally started an arts degree. She majored in politics and philosophy but wasn’t really passionate about either. As a result, she never finished her degree.

Instead, she found herself running a cafe, her days filled with lattes and long Blacks. She continued in the cafe world for 8 years but after eventually selling her business she realised it was time to think about studying again. 

So, at the age of 30, Ally returned to university.

This time around she took a very different direction and decided to major in mechatronic engineering. 

Today, she’s an IBM Developer Advocate, working closely with developers and open source communities around the globe. She’s passionate about sharing her experience and helping build a supportive and inclusive tech community. 

Not only was Ally such a wonderful guest, I have no doubt you will find her story inspiring and relatable. 

In this episode we cover:

  • Ally’s career journey from cafe owner to software engineer and IBM developer advocate (6:22)
  • Her transition from university to the workplace, how it’s different for women compared with men, and what organisations can do to smooth the process (11:37) 
  • Her advice for university graduates transitioning into the workforce (various)
  • Call for Code hackathon, what it is, and how to participate (23:10)
  • And so much more!

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