The Females in Tech Show with Tamara Johanna

Values Based Decisions with Jo Gaines - 023

Tamara Johanna Season 1 Episode 23

Jo Gaines has been a huge personal inspiration to me. Her energy, personality and approach to leadership creates an environment where everyone feels empowered to pursue their wildest dreams. So, I was beyond excited to have her on The Females in Tech Show.

In this episode we cover:

  • Jo Gaines career journey to Salesforce Cloud Sales AVP (7:36)
  • Sexism that still happens today, the reasons behind it, and her advice to women who experience it (14:44)
  • Values based decisions
    • What is it? (19:09)
    • How to handle FOMO whilst staying true to your values (26:32)
    • How to start saying no, and stop people pleasing (29:10)
    • How to avoid projecting your values onto others, or judging them for having different values (33:26)
  • Jo shares advice to all single mothers who want to have it all (36:45)
  • And so much more!

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